On Saturday we witnessed a 4.5 decade long tradition here in Monteverede...the PIE SOCIAL (capitals are to impart the appropriate effect that this event has on the Monteverde community). This event has been the talk of the town since we arrived in here, and we weren't totally clear on what it was going to be all about (or why there was so much hype). It all became clear in due time. First, though, some history:
The first PIE SOCIAL was held shortly after the original quakers came down from Alabama. The purpose of that first and fateful event was to raise money to build their meeting house here in quakerville, Costa Rica (Monteverde). The event has been happening every year since. Each year, this is a night during which the whole community pours their hearts and souls into 9 inch pie pans and puts them up for auction.
Thus, in 2013, we were sitting in the same meeting house that the first pie social had built, raising money for the new meeting house that we are building. Will the circle be unbroken!
Here are some pictures to help you understand the event:
At 4pm on Saturday afternoon, every house hold in Monteverde was engaged in the same activity. Ours was no exception. I made banana chocolate pie with coconut almond crust. Sarah made pineapple upside down cake (pie), and a vegan, gluten free avocado chocolate mousse pie. |
Some local starving musicians provided music for the pre-auction pie-viewing (short haired squares need not apply). |
60 pies were entered into the auction! This was the pre-auction pie-submission and viewing period. |
Jimmy, the auctioneer (from South Boston) showing off a square pie, while Michelle (the other auctioneer) looks on with skepticism. The boy in front is doubled down in laughter, as we all were for most of the evening. |
Post-auction pie viewing and tasting. If you won a pie in the auction, you have to share a piece with the creator. If you unwittingly bought your spouses pie, you have to pay double! There was also a silent art auction happening simultaneously. You can see some fine samples of local artists' work in the back ground. |
This is Benito, our local dairy farmer and sloth rehabilitator enjoying a post-auction cupcake with his baby sloth. He is one of only a few people in Costa Rica who are allowed to do this (rehab baby sloths that have fallen out of trees...not eat cupcakes). | | | |
The next day at meeting we found out that the pie auction raised almost $3000 dollars for the new meeting house project! Combine that with the silent art auction proceeds and the whole evening netted $4,400. It's not over yet though. If you want to send a pie to a special someone in Monteverde (or anywhere else), you can donate $100 to the project and the pie committee will make sure that person gets the pie of your choice. See the Monteverde Friends School facebook page for more info on that (or just email us).
Out of all 60 pies sold that evening, there we some definite stand-outs. My chocolate banana pie sold for 27,000 colones ($54), Sarah's pies sold for 35,000 ($70) and 28,000 ($56) colones. The top pie, however, went for a hefty price of 55,000 colones ($110!). If you can guess what kind of pie that was we'll send you a special something.
Lots of love to you all up North. I hope you're enjoying a sweet something with a sweet someone in front of a warm fire somewhere.